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Being Yourself Shouldn't be a Negotiable

In recent weeks we have seen a lot of tragedy, we lost a woman that gave a sense of protection upon our country. I have a feeling that I will remember the moment that I found out the Supreme Court Justice, Ruth Bader Ginsburg passed for the rest of my life. I felt like I could not breath- I had multiple friends over at the time and we all just sat there- not saying anything.

Now I sit speechless again, as I sat down to write my original post I got a notification. Again, I am scared, Trump just announced his nomination of Amy Coney Barrett as a supreme court justice. This woman wants to overturn Roe V. Wade and is anti-LGBTQIA+ rights. These should not be negotiable or things that we can fear losing at the hands of our government.

When I first wrote the title for this article, I had it called “My Choice is My Choice and Yours is Yours” but many of the things that make up people’s identities are not their choice. One cannot choose their gender, their sexuality, their race or so many other things that we as a society discriminate for people against. Most people would not choose a life that they knew would be harder them due to the biases in our country- you are born the way you are!

This is something that I have and will never be able to understand. How can we discriminate people for just trying to live your life and for doing that is best for them? The argument goes farther than pro-choice or pro-life, which I was originally going to talk about. It is about being pro-human and supporting other’s rights to live their authentic life.

No matter what you would do with your own body or life, you still need to fight for people to have the right to do what they would like with their life.


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