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Queen Kamala

Today at 11:30 am, I experienced a moment I will never forget. I don't know how many historic moments I'll get to live through in life but today I know that I lived through a major one.

My faith in humanity was honestly a little restored when I found out that Joe Biden had been declared the president of the United States by the Associated Press. That was enough to make my 2020 a lot better but then something else hit me. In the midst of all the election drama, I forgot that, if elected, Kamala Harris was going to become the first female vice president in United States’ history and that she did.

Realizing this brought both me and my roommate to tears as we called all of our friends and family to talk about the news. As young girls, we are told we can do anything but as we get older we realize that doing anything is a lot harder when you’re a woman. Harris broke a major wall down and proved that women really can do anything. There will be a woman, an intelligent, compassionate black and Asian woman, sitting among many white men in history books but she won't be the last one to be in those books.

In commemoration of this amazing moment of girl power, my friends and I decided to get tattoos. While we are loving saying these are for Kamala, they mean so much more. They represent a set of beliefs that we all share and a sense of love and pride for who we are ad what we will do. They represent the fact that we are strong feminists and want to exhibit and spread those values and the need for equality for all to everyone and that we are proud women who know that we are capable of doing anything.

That was the purpose of this blog and one that I cannot wait to continue. This is my last official blog post and honestly, I am not sure if there will be another one after this but what I do know is with or without this blog I will still advocate for change and fight for a better world so that everyone can be equal. Just because Joe Biden is our president now doesn’t mean that we stop advocating for change and challenging the system. It is our job to make sure he does what he has promised.

With that, thank you for reading my blog and going on this journey with me. When I started this project, I didn’t know what was going to come out of it. Through the time I have been writing this blog we have been through a lot together. We experienced the tragic loss of Ruth Bader Ginborough, the disappointment and fear of watching Amy Cohn Barrett be appointed to the Supreme Court, and now the joy and hope that comes from seeing Joe Biden and Kamala Harris be elected as president and vice president.

"There is no limit to what we as women can accomplish"- Michelle Obama


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